Cafe Rico Descafeinado (can) 8.8onz
Cafe Rico Decaff, Cafe Descafeinado de Puerto Rico,
Cafe Rico Descafeinado (can) 8.8onz

Cafe Rico Descafeinado (can) 8.8onz
Cafe Rico Decaff, Cafe Descafeinado de Puerto Rico,
Cafe Rico Decaff (can)
The first product of our line is the "Rico Decaff", a decaffeinated coffee ready to strain, is processed by the Sparkling Water method. By tasting it you will notice that we extracted only the caffeine and not the flavor. The Cafe Rico laboratory experts traveled the world looking for the purest and best methods to extract the caffeine and not the flavor. They found the sparkling method. They send the coffee to Italy and it comes back ready to roast and grind in our Ponce facilities. Now you can strain it at home, and enjoy its genuine taste.
Cafe Rico Decaff, Cafe Descafeinado de Puerto Rico,
Cafe Rico Decaff, Cafe Descafeinado de Puerto Rico,