Imagen Magazine - Latest Edition
Imagen, Revista Imagen de Puerto Rico, Imagen Magazine
Imagen Magazine - Latest Edition

Imagen Magazine - Latest Edition
On Sale $8.49 Latest Edition
Imagen, Revista Imagen de Puerto Rico, Imagen Magazine
Magazines from Puerto Rico
Since its launch in 1986, IMAGEN, Puerto Rico's No.1 women's and family lifestyle magazine, has won rave reviews for its local and international monthly coverage of fashion, beauty, travel, culture, gourmet dining, community affairs, social events, personalities, home decor, and much more — all the aspects that keep readers informed on modern living! Especially created to cater to a middle and upscale audience, IMAGEN is the showcase of elegance and stylish living, focusing on the best that Puerto Rico has to offer. With a circulation of 70,000, its penetration within 3.9 million population market is vast. IMAGEN is the leading family magazine on the Island. Its pass-along readerhip guarantees a total audience of more than 400,000 affluent readers monthly.
Opens the door to a world of elegance and vibrant, contemporary lifestyles. Chronicles fashion trends and provides information on beauty, travel, culture, home decor and other women-oriented topics.
Imagen, Revista Imagen de Puerto Rico, Imagen Magazine
Imagen, Revista Imagen de Puerto Rico, Imagen Magazine